Frequently Asked Questions

How much does this cost?

Visit our Home page or Dumpster Rental pages to help you estimate costs.  You may also call or text Marvin directly at (615) 651-9423 for a quote.

What type of items do you take?

We cannot dispose of any hazardous waste. This includes paint, gas, oil, fluorescent bulbs, and various other items. Check the Home page, and Dumpster Rental page for complete details.

What type of payments do you accept?

We accept the following forms of payment:



Credit Card/Paypal


I have some items I'd like to donate to Goodwill or another place. Would you do that?

We are more than willing to drop any items off at donation sites as you wish.  Standard pickup rates apply.

Where do you dispose of my unwanted items?

We generally take items to the landfill in Murfreesboro, while donating items that we are able to.

Do you provide a weekly trash pickup service?

At this time, we do not provide a curbside service for weekly trash pickup.

I live outside the listed areas, will you still pickup from me?

We will pickup outside of the listed areas, call for a personalized quote.

Are you licensed and insured?

Yes we are!

Where do you set your dumpsters?

We will do our best to set our DIY Dumpsters in the most convenient place for you. We will not set them on public roadways.

Do you have a privacy policy?

Our policy is extremely straight forward. We do not collect and/or store any credit card information. We do store the numbers, addresses, and job site pictures of customers that contact us. We also reserve the right to use any pictures, video, and other forms of media that are taken while on the job. We take customer's privacy seriously, and the information/media we gather is not sold and/or given to any other company. This may be amended without notice in the future, and is valid as of December 6th, 2019.

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